balancing out the crew 10 star reviews
16 November 2015
Wasn't sure if this one was good or bad cos some of the reviews hid the fact they were crew blowing smoke up our a.rses, so I gave this a watch and it was soon dreadfully apparent it was a stitch up amateur garbage film trying to trick people into watching it.

Just because you CAN complete a feature length film with lights camera and sound doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. You have to have something to say and this movie had nothing to say. Just some kids who's parents bought them a couple of canon 5Ds, editing software and a drone for Christmas.

The key is to have a good idea and the idea for this movie is tenuously slight, and that slight idea is stretch so thin it collapses. It didn't have to. with good writing, direction and acting it could have been something, maybe, maybe those things could have made a tense story out of this but we end up with an annoying insulting waste of time. More media clutter to get in the way of anything really insightful or entertaining.
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