Revenge is sweet...........or perhaps not!!
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what a surprise this one turned out to be. The first half of the film centres around the lead male being confined to standing on a landmine courtesy of his so called best mate, who having found out he'd been sleeping with his woman decided to play a practical joke on him. Things turn mightily sour when a local rambler turns up on the scene and starts to get quite unpleasant via the playing of a slightly sadistic game. Up to this point you can be forgiven for thinking this is going to be another run of the mill horror/revenge film with a sprinkling of female revenge as per "I Spit On Your Grave" (albeit not nearly as good). What happens mid movie however changes this and we are left to view revenge from the angle of the male who was stood on the landmine. The ending is quite shocking, not least in it's content but I particularly liked the way the camera remains fixed on the lead character even when you expect to see other things going on and this amplifies the moment of revenge and leaves the viewer considering who ultimately is the greater of the two evils (the rambler or the landmine guy) and one is left with a sour taste in the mouth as the credits roll. Definitely worth the watch.
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