this movie is certainly not for everyone...
2 September 2016
...it caters to a specific audience. namely those who enjoy movies like "i spit on your grave" or "they call her one eye".

while this is obviously not a high budget film it certainly does not "feel" cheap like some reviewers here claim. i suppose these lucky people have never had the "pleasure" to see a "cheap" film. don't be fooled. the entire presentation, camera work, sound, music and acting are solid...no more, no less.

someone also wrote that this movie had "nothing to say", which is almost comical considering the kind of film we are dealing with here. films like these do not focus on "story" or "character development". they mainly try and trigger basic human emotions in the audience by simple means and with varying success. it's called "exploitation cinema" and as mentioned before, it's not for everyone.

that being said i found the ending of this film to be uncharacteristically thought-provoking. ultimately it does have something to say and as a result manages to lift itself slightly above most of it's genre brethren.

fans of the genre won't be disappointed.
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