The Hollars (2016)
Very cute
18 September 2016
Starts off as a really funny story about John Hollar played by John Krasinski, who also directed the movie. He's a struggling artist living in New York, whose personal life is not that great either. Then he goes back home when he discovers his mom has brain cancer.

After a while the film becomes a nice quiet heartwarming story about choosing what regrets you can live with, or in some cases having those regrets chose you.

Sharlto Copley was my favorite in the movie as John's older brother Dan, a man-child living with his parents cause his dad had to fire him, trying to get back into his wife and kids lives, but of course she has started to date a much better man.

Down the line it looses it humor, but it never loses it's heart. The characters are very colorful and relateable people you want to know and love.

Very cute indeed.
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