Review of The Hollars

The Hollars (2016)
30 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this. The acting talent is top-notch and everyone delivered. Unfortunately to me the story just seemed super cheesebally. It just seemed like every scene was simply there to elicit a very one-dimensional in-your-face sort of reaction. For example (SPOILERS!!!) when the mom successfully comes through the operation only to then die moments later out of the blue?? It felt like a totally transparent ham-handed way just to force the audience to ride an emotional roller-coaster. Wahoo! Not.

Again all the actors did a very fine job, particularly Jenkins, Martindale and Copley. Although Krasinski pretty much just continued to play a slight variation of Jim from The Office which is all I've really seen from him.

It may be a slice of life, but it felt like a didactic blunt way to present the usual life/death, love/family melodrama themes which have been done a lot more creatively in the past.
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