The Lion Guard (2015–2019)
Cute show
9 August 2017
When I heard that Disney was doing another cartoon based on one of their best movies, I was excited. I'd heard a lot about the show, and decided to give it a chance. Even if I don't have cable, I have other ways of watching The Lion Guard. All the members of the Lion Guard are cute, being young and all, and the research for the show was well done. They use a lot of Swahili words in their speech. Perfectly appropriate considering the setting is in East Africa.

I don't claim The Lion Guard is better than the Lion King. I do claim that it's fun to watch if you wanted another spin-off of the Lion King. For that, it's worth watching the whole first season just to see how it all starts. I'd heard a lot of not-so-good things about Return of the Roar, so I started with the first episode of the show. And I wasn't disappointed. It's a nice little reunion with old friends.
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