Paul Blart: Mall Cop changed my life
25 December 2017
Never did I think a movie about a Mall Cop could change my life. I walked in laughing at the idea. However once inside the theater pure emotion segwayed from the screen to my heart. Sadness, joy, terror, all at once. This movie revolutionized the movie industry for me. I recently re watched it to see if it stood the test of time. I Was more than surprised to see the themes relating to us now more than ever. Themes of bravery, the kindness of a good mans heart, and not succumbing to the fear within you in the face of danger. That is why this movie gets ten whole stars. Kevin James brings phenomenal acting as always to his role as the titular Paul Blart. His performance is on the same level as Emma Stone's in La La Land. Kevin James is a prime example of someone who deserves an Oscar and for this movie that particularly shows. He plays the tough and emotional role of a single father trying to provide for his elderly mother and child. He is a failure to the world and needs to bring himself up to a higher standard. Masterful writing and acting compliment this piece well.

Thank you Kevin James for this creation.
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