Review of In Time

In Time (2011)
The word 'time', time and time again.
11 August 2018
I wonder how many times the word 'time' is mentioned in In Time. It's a lot of times, I'm sure, but I didn't take the time to count. Maybe next time.

Starring Just-In Time-berlake and Amanda Seyfried (whose name doesn't really lend itself to any clever time-related puns), this film has a very intriguing premise - that time is a commodity that can be bought or sold, allowing the rich to live indefinitely while time runs out for the poor.

Sadly, writer/director Andrew Nichol fails to do the idea justice, his film spending most of its running time being little more than one long chase, as his photogenic leads try to bring down a big-time time magnate, while Timekeeper (i.e. cop) Raymond Leon works around the clock to call time on their antics.

It'll only be a question of time before you'll be picking holes in the plot, Nichol having clearly not spent enough time ironing out In Time's wrinkles.

4/10, just for keeping me amused for most of the time with its incessant use of the word 'time'.

Best line of dialogue: 'Time'.
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