Review of Melrose Place

Melrose Place (1992–1999)
The most addictive trashy soap opera of the '90s
30 October 2021
What can you say about Melrose Place? I first saw it when it was still on air. At the time I was only a teenager, but I remember absolutely loving the hell out of it for one simple reason: The craziness never ended! Almost every episode ended with such a cliffhanger that you couldn't help but watch the next episode. It was like a drug. You just needed to know what happened each time. Yes, many of the lines were cheesy and sometimes the acting could've been better, but the show worked. People from all over the globe were watching it and everyone loved to talk about what was happening on it. Personally, I'll never forget some of those conversations. There were times when I almost gave up on it, but just when you thought you were done with it, they pulled you back in. One thing is for sure: The '90s would not have been the same without Melrose Place.
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