Review of The Hollars

The Hollars (2016)
These movies are not made anymore.
31 October 2021
I found this movie the other day on Showtime. John Krasinski, Anna Kendrick, Margo Martindale, Charlie Day, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and a bunch of other great actors make up the cast. I did not remember this movie being released at all. I wish I had known. Krasinski pulls double duty as he also directed. The writing is simple but well executed. Small-town family dealing with numerous issues. It's the kind of movie that really doesn't get made anymore, and that makes me sad. I found it very entertaining. It had plenty of comedy to go with the dramatic moments. What really makes the movie work is Kraskinski and Martindale. They are both extremely talented and this movie is a good showcase.

The Hollars is far from perfect, but it's definitely worth a watch based on the talent involved alone. Enjoy!
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