The Staircase (2022)
If You've Seen the Netflix Doc... Definitely Watch This!
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a huge fan of the Netflix documentary, although I felt it was slightly biased toward Michael Peterson. There were too many details that were conveniently left out. I am two episodes into this show so far, and it does some things that are fascinating. Here is a breakdown of some of the additions-- most of good but a couple that are questionable so far:

1) They include scenes with Michael Peterson's new girlfriend, one of the producers of the documentary. This was conveniently left out of the documentary.

2) They include an actual reenactment of what it could have looked like had Kathleen actually fallen twice in the stairwell. It is very graphic, but it actually looked like it could possibly have happened that way.

3) They are already hinting at the possible "owl theory" that was left out of the doc -- Kathleen keeps hearing strange noises above their house or in the attic.

4) They actually reference the fact that one of his sons had legal trouble, although they only refer to it as what happened on "spring break."

5) The movie already seems to be implying that we will never truly know what happened, and that the whole documentary and true crime fascination could merely just lead to frustration and more questions.

6) They include scenes of Michael seeking out male attention either through the phone or the gym.

7) It goes into more detail about why Kathleen's daughter changed her mind about Michael's guilt.

The ONLY thing that I'm somewhat questioning so far is that we have seen scenes that happened in the documentary (such as the lawyer putting on a recording of someone yelling HELP and then going to the pool to discover that you can't hear anything), but the documentary filmmakers haven't appeared in person yet in this movie. They have contacted the legal team with interest, but nothing is being filmed yet. So I'm wondering why they didn't have them there filming already if we are watching things that we saw in the doc.

All in all, though, it's very well done so far. As a huge fan of the doc, this is only making the whole thing more intriguing and frustrating, which might be the whole intent. There is one person who knows what happened, and she will never be able to let us know.
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