Hiru no Sento Zake (2016– )
I loved this series
15 July 2022
How it takes a very basic moral dilemma of selfish self satisfaction vs corporate ladder climbing and brown nosing, when you see very clearly the choice was more than obvious.

This show got me so sucked in that I actually took the time to trace some of the characters journey through the city to these various locations on a map. And to see such stark contrast from a highly developed area to a tiny little piece of heaven was a remarkable revelation.

And how these once very central locations to daily life have become a novelty and only appreciated by a few.

Begging to ask, what if this was inverted, if you had too much bliss, would you crave the grind of a thankless job once in a while just to know how good you have it.

This stark contrast shows how a life out of balance makes the simple pleasures seam so perverse, and for me it shows how far from paradise the world has wandered.

It makes me wonder also if this show was taken further, given a longer leash, would he have entered a life of gluttony or maintained this ritual.

I was skeptical at first but it just became something I really needed and wanted and thoroughly enjoyed. The sense of community and heritage that really doesn't exist in most urban sprawls these days made me really appreciate the effort that went into making this.
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