Madame's Place (1982–1983)
Ahead of Her Time
8 January 2024
Though I was quit young when this series originally aired I waited up each night to watch it and got a great kick out of it. Sadly I had none of the episodes recorded and have been searching for them for years. Then the bulk of the series was uploaded to YouTube a few years back and I could not have been more pleased.

Many of the jokes that were over my head as a child made sense to me as an adult. The series has an 80's feel to it but at the same time was ahead of its time. There was nothing out there quite like it. And even today it still stands alone. The cast was enjoyable to watch and they even got big name guest stars like Debbie Reynolds & Betty White.

Madame herself was truly outrageous with great one liners dripping with sexual innuendo. Waylon Flowers as the Man Behind the Woman had a great wit.

Thanks to TAV TV the bulk of these episodes can be found. Though the final 20 episodes of so still seem to be missing. I'd love to come across these somewhere so I can revisit this ageless wonder in full glory once again.
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