Remembering a life of fate and destiny!
22 June 2024
Before I get into my review, I want to address a complaint that I've seen here from people about this documentary. No, the narration was not AI generated! It comes from his own audiobook that he did before he died. Too bad that the people criticizing this movie couldn't have taken the time to find this out instead of jumping to such incorrect conclusions. But I digress..

Remembering a life of fate and destiny!

For somebody who was an atheist Buddhist, he certainly talked a lot about God. I don't believe he was actually an atheist, maybe more like an agnostic. Agnostic is just don't know for sure about anything, but you can have a belief, you just don't know if it's true. I think that was Gene. I believe he did believe in God. He was just open to being wrong about it.

His life was filled with evidence of God's existence as well, including so many brushes with fate. Too many to be mere coincidence. His life was filled with what I like to call Godwinks. And the beautiful thing is, he was open to the signs. He followed, where God led him. And his life was all the richer for it, full of meaning and higher purpose. He had faith.

He was a good man, and that was made clear throughout this documentary. So many documentaries show that the people we like had demons. But if Gene had any demons, they were channeled through his work only. In life, this documentary shows that he was a kind, gentle, caring, and compassionate soul - who also happened to be very, very funny. In addition to comedy, he was also a great writer, and a great artist - as well as student of life. One word that kept popping up over and over to describe him was "innocent" and it was very innocent that made him such a good student of life. He never thought he knew more than life could teach him. He was always willing to learn, and this made him forever young at heart. It was this quest learning that introduced him to his last wife, that he was married to until death did part. But because I know that somewhere inside him, he knew God, he must be in heaven now, watching over his beloved.

God bless you, Gene Wilder! You made the world a better place just by being the beautiful man that you were.
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