Clark Gable credited as playing...
Warren 'Rid' Riddell
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: I could be crazy about you, Ruby.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: I could like you too, Rid, but we'd be crazy if we did. The cards are stacked against us,
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Yeah, I guess we need a new deal.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: [Seeing Ruby taking a drink out of a flask in the back of Scanlon's limo] Aw, don't do that, Ruby!
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: Why not?
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: I hate to see anyone hit the hootch the way you do.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: You don't know how darn bad I need this drink.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: It's not good medicine.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: It is for what ails me.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: What's that?
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: You.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Well, let me tell you something. Don't get too high on a horse. They'll disappoint you.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: Tommy couldn't disappoint as much as some men have.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Say, where do I come in on this?
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: You don't come in. I've decided there are too many probablys and maybes about you.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Oh. Just like that, huh.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: Just like that - and no cover charge.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Oh, gee kid, you're lookin' great. I never saw you lookin' so well.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: You look pretty well, yourself. Are you as good as you look?
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: That crook.
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Ah, come on, Ruby. He's all right. He's as good as the rest of 'em.
- Miss 'Missy' Ruby: Yeah and how good is that?
- Warren 'Rid' Riddell: Ah, listen honey, let's not fight. I don't want to fight. I want to make love at you.