Emmett Corrigan creditado como jogando...
Bishop Harkness
- Bishop Harkness: I've spent 50 years in China. And there are times when I think we're just a lot of persistent ants, trying to move a great mountain... Only last month, I learned a terrible lesson. I was telling the story of the Crucifixion to some Mongolian tribesmen. Finally, I... I thought I had touched their hearts. They crept closer to my little platform, their eyes burning with the wonder of their attention. Mongolian bandits, mind you - listening spellbound. But alas, I had misinterpreted their interest in the story: the next caravan of merchants that crossed the Gobi Desert was captured by them, and... crucified.
- [the Bishop pauses while his listeners gasp and look disgusted]
- Bishop Harkness: That, my friends... is China.