Through out the whole movie Walter Huston's hair is combed differently in one continuous scene after another. It's obvious many of the cuts back to him are from different takes.
When Nick Diamond enters the Presidents office he pokes the chair on his right it is facing right, toward the wall. When he then sits it is facing the opposite direction, toward the center of the room.
In the cabinet meeting after Hammond's accident, Hammond is holding a document in the wide shot, has both hands down on the table in the medium shot, and is again holding the document in the cut back to the wide shot.
When John Bronson and his daughter, Alice, are seated on a bench with the "Army of the Unemployed", he is approached by someone and gets up from the bench. In the next shot, he is again seated and gets up again.
When signing the order for the Ambassador to Greece, Hammond dips his pen twice in the inkwell in both the medium and wide shots.
At about 50 minutes the president (Huston) says that the United States is a democracy. The United States is actually a constitutional Republic.
About 50 minutes into the movie the president (Huston) says the United States, when the United States is actually a Constitutional Republic.
When Pendola and Beekman are speaking in the foyer of the White House early in the film, as she walks away the reflection of the moving microphone boom can be seen in the glass doors behind them.