They Drive by Night (1940)
George Raft: Joe Fabrini
Joe Fabrini : Do you believe in love at first sight?
Cassie Hartley : It saves a lot of time.
Cassie Hartley : You're a nice guy. But you've got to remember that nice guys always leave when ladies ask them to.
Joe Fabrini : That nice, I ain't.
Cassie Hartley : Anything else?
Joe Fabrini : Yeah, but it ain't on the menu.
Cassie Hartley : And it ain't gunna be.
Joe Fabrini : [spraying himself with a hose at a service station] This is the nearest thing I've had to a bath in two weeks.
Pete Haig : Yeah, I noticed.
Joe Fabrini : When I'm relaxed my thoughts are clear.
Cassie Hartley : Yeah, I can even read them from here.
Joe Fabrini : If we go over a cliff, wake me up.
Joe Fabrini : You know something, Red? l like you. l like the way you fill out your clothes. l like everything about you.
Joe Fabrini : l ain't danced in a long time.
Cassie Hartley : Me neither, and l used to love it. lt's the most fun you can have without laughing.
Joe Fabrini : Give me a cup of coffee.
Cassie Hartley : Anything else?
Joe Fabrini : Yeah, what else you got that ain't poisonous?
Cassie Hartley : I don't know. I never eat here.
Joe Fabrini : Some day you road skinners will be sayin', "Joe Fabrini's a good guy to work for." And I will be.
Cassie Hartley : I'll pay you back.
Joe Fabrini : Yeah, I'm real worried about that. I've got it all doped out with the cops if you don't.
Joe Fabrini : It's a classy chassis!
Cassie Hartley : You couldn't even afford the headlights.
Lana Carlsen : [about Joe's announcement that he is marrying Cassie] I committed murder to get you. Understand? Murder!
Joe Fabrini : You what?
Lana Carlsen : Sure! I killed Ed. I killed him to get you because you were always throwing him in my face. "Yes, Mrs. Carlsen." "No, Mrs. Carlsen." "No, Mrs. Carlsen." "Goodnight, Mrs. Carlsen." You made me do it. You understand? I didn't want to kill anyone, but you made me murder Ed... your friend!
Joe Fabrini : Ed's been always all right with me, and I'm never gonna be wrong with him.
Joe Fabrini : I always have liked redheads.
Cassie Hartley : You shouldn't. Red means stop.
Joe Fabrini : I'm colorblind.
Ed Carlsen : A glass of champagne?
Joe Fabrini : No, thanks.
Lana Carlsen : You know Joe never takes a drink.
Ed Carlsen : I know. He's like me. I don't either, unless I got a glass in each hand.