Hedy Lamarr credited as playing...
Marvin Myles
- Walter Kaufman: Well, the basic idea is all right. But, the trouble is, there isn't any sex in it.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Sex?
- Walter Kaufman: You can't run a soap campaign without sex appeal. You get my idea, don't you, Miss Myles?
- Marvin Myles: I think I know what you mean.
- Walter Kaufman: Well, that's what we're here for! Now, I've watched Mrs. Kaufman with soap. It's intimate!
- Marvin Myles: [singing] We dance the whole night through, Just one more waltz with you, Seems to be made for us two, I could just keep right on dancing, Forever, dear, with you.
- Marvin Myles: Well, I can't stand any more on an empty stomach. Look that over will you. See you later, I suppose.
- [exits]
- Harry Moulton Pulham: What does she do?
- Bill King: Woman's copy.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: I never saw a girl do that before, that is, a nice girl.
- Bill King: Do what?
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Paint and powder herself in public.
- Bill King: This isn't public.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: No, I guess it isn't.
- Marvin Myles: I'll have a car of my own one day, with a chauffeur waiting outside when I work at night. And I'll have a mink coat and a French maid. And I'll invite you up for dinner. Be sure you wear a white tie; because, they'll be lots of interesting people - all the writers and artists and people on the stage. I'll be a partner in an agency by then. You see, I know I'm good.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Yes, I know you are.
- Marvin Myles: Will you come up?
- Harry Moulton Pulham: No, thanks. I'll just see that you get in all right.
- Marvin Myles: Strangely enough, I have my key.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Well, good night.
- Marvin Myles: Good night.
- [kisses Harry]
- Marvin Myles: Sir Galahad.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: I don't see what you see in me.
- Marvin Myles: You wouldn't.
- [laughs]
- Marvin Myles: It's because I can do so much for you. That's what a girl really wants. It's going to be like a symphony. You're going to like all the things I like and I'm going to like all the things you do.
- Marvin Myles: I want you to want to marry me so much that you don't care about anything else. Anything! From now on I want us to have a good time. I want you always to be happy.
- Mrs. John Pulham: Harry tells me that you read Emerson.
- Marvin Myles: Why, yes.
- Mrs. John Pulham: It is so nice to be certain and not just hope that Harry knows nice girls - really nice girls in New York.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: [laying down on a sled] Get on and hold tight.
- Marvin Myles: Now, don't go speed like Ethan Frome. I want to live!
- Marvin Myles: There wouldn't be anybody who could see us if you kissed me - except the ghosts, in the back hall.
- Marvin Myles: You've tried to get away from it too. That house where you can't hear any footsteps, the ticking clock, having to *sneak* highballs!