Ruth Hussey credited as playing...
Kay Motford
- Kay Motford Pulham: What were you and Ruth Quila talking about.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: About sex! I don't see why she has to talk about it at the dinner table.
- Kay Motford Pulham: Well, her husband's a psychologist.
- Kay Motford Pulham: Wouldn't it be awful if we thought we loved each other, but, really didn't. What I really mean is, if we only got married, because, we thought we ought to.
- Kay Motford Pulham: Please kiss me.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Of course, dear.
- Kay Motford Pulham: Oh, Harry, it's only a little thing; but, could you just stop saying: of course?
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Why, yes, Kay - of course.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: Like life, I suppose. You think everything's all right, all there solid, and, then, it suddenly comes to pieces in your hands.
- Kay Motford Pulham: I told you you shouldn't have had that highball after dinner.
- Harry Moulton Pulham: I kept saying to myself, "What is it all about?" What is it all about?
- Kay Motford Pulham: Well, what's what all about?
- Kay Motford Pulham: Harry, that's awfully silly. We've been married for 20 years! It's a little hard to be romantic, isn't it?