"One Way to Love" turns out to be a meaningful title for this film which is primarily a cross-country ride onboard a train just after the Second World War had concluded. The film focuses on an assorted collection of people who entertain one another, and especially us the viewers, with a host of mishaps, revised agendas, and misinterpreted and misplayed intentions. I have seen a lot of movies in my day, but I don't remember one like this, where 75%of the film's running time is spent on board a train where no evil skullduggery happens or no onboard murders are committed that need to be solved.
The movie is so well written, all scenes seemingly logical, complete, and orderly. And thanks to the spirited cast, who obviously enjoy working with one another, the dialog between the characters just flows naturally. Chester Morris, of course, is the delightfully breezy and energetic engine that keeps the entire cast on the track. The first few minutes of the picture are a little slow to get going, but soon the show really takes off and we are in for a fun ride!