Albert Lieven credited as playing...
Maxwell Leyden
- Francesca: [as she poses for her portrait] Can I move?
- Maxwell Leyden: In just one second.
- Francesca: My leg's getting stiff.
- Maxwell Leyden: Phfft!
- Francesca: But I'm getting cramped in the most peculiar places.
- Maxwell Leyden: All right - move.
- Maxwell Leyden: Last time you were here you said something that worried me very much.
- Peter Gay: Did I?
- Maxwell Leyden: But you must know that you did.
- Peter Gay: Oh, you mean when I told you I was in love with you.
- Maxwell Leyden: Yes.
- Peter Gay: But why should that worry you so much? Surely it's the most natural thing in the world.
- Maxwell Leyden: Not to me. I hate love, hate being in love. I don't ever want it to happen to me again.
- Peter Gay: If you deny yourself love, you might as well be dead.