- Lena Tempest: Honey, listen, with your looks you don't have to worry. You can get the youngest and best-looking man on the pier.
- Jenny Hager: I don't want the youngest. I want the richest.
- John Evered: Come back with me, to his shack. I want you to face him. Now.
- Jenny Hager: But, the rain! You know what happens to the roads in the rain.
- John Evered: Yes, they get very muddy; but they don't change the direction.
- Lincoln Pittridge: [Giving a sermon, quoting from Proverbs 5:3] The lips of a strange woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword!
- Jenny Hager: [contemptuously to Ephraim] You can't come into this house, you wretched coward! You killed your father!
- Jenny Hager: Your mother must be a wonderful woman. I hope that someday you'll say that I'm just like her.
- John Evered: That won't be easy. Mother had nine boys.
- Jenny Hager: Why does everything frighten you? You're going to make me very angry - and if I get angry and go on wanting you the way I do, I might tell him what happened between us.
- Ephraim Poster: Nothing has happened between us.
- Jenny Hager: [referring to his father] No, but which of us will he believe?
- Tim Hager: I know what you're up to.
- Isaiah Poster: I? Why, I'm just a dried up old herring, she's too *young* and beautiful.
- Jenny - as a Girl: Before long we'll have everything: houses and carriages, horses and kitchen maids.
- Tim Hager: For all those things, my lass, you're a wee bit young.
- Jenny - as a Girl: Just as soon as I grow up we'll have everything we want, because I'm going to be - beautiful.
- Lena Tempest: Get some more color in your cheeks. And, bite your lips whenever no ones lookin'. Men love red lips.
- Jenny Hager: This isn't the life I was born for. Men like me. And it's the men who have the money in this world.
- Jenny Hager: I know Mr. Poster wants me. I made him want me. What do you think of that?
- Tim Hager: There's a devil in you, Jenny Hager. A devil straight from the bad place. And I'm going to whip him out of ya!
- Jenny Hager: You're going to beat me.
- Tim Hager: This is one beating you'll not like.
- Jenny Hager: He held me with one hand, so - so I couldn't move. And then he - beat me and beat me until I - look - look at my back.
- Jenny Hager: I know you don't want any man ever to look at me. But they do!
- Tim Hager: You lead them on, Jenny. It's so easy for you to turn a man's head.
- Isaiah Poster: There now, Jenny, don't worry. Everything's going to be all right.
- [to Mrs. Hollis]
- Isaiah Poster: You bathe her and rub some butter on them bruises and put her in my bed.
- Rev. Thatcher: She turned first of all to you, Isaiah. Besides, I know you're not a man to thrust a suffering lamb back into the wilderness.
- Jenny Hager: I'm sure Cleopatra never bothered about napkin rings.
- Meg Saladine: She didn't live in Bangor.
- Jenny Hager: Well, that wouldn't have stopped her. It wasn't by knowing how to set a table that Cleopatra got along.
- Jenny Hager: I shall demand obedience - and love. And if you refuse, my dear son, I shall punish you by not kissing you good night.
- Deacon Adams: He drove her out in the night like a dog who wouldn't obey. Reverend, it's the rum that does it! We ought to scourge every tavern keeper out of town and into the river.
- Jenny Hager: Did you really like that kind of women? That kind he spoke about?
- Ephraim Poster: I'd rather not talk about it, Jenny.
- Jenny Hager: I used to see them near our house, before I came here. I used to *watch* them and wonder about them. I can see how women could be attracted to you. All kinds of women.
- Isaiah Poster: You think I don't know how you've been spending my money. Hard drink and easy women. I know your kind.
- Jenny Hager: Make him marry you!
- Meg Saladine: Oh, Jenny, I wish I knew how. He's not like the others. He thinks things out.
- Jenny Hager: I'd know how. I wouldn't give him a chance to think.
- Isaiah Poster: [to Ephraim] You heed my advice and you go some place more suitable for - a gentleman. Bangors a boon town. Loud. Rough. Faster than law and order. It takes a strong, stubborn man to make his way here.
- Jenny Hager: We need gentlemen, too.
- Isaiah Poster: For what? To tell you the kind of bonnets and doodads the Boston ladies are wearing?
- Duncan: No disrespect intended, Mrs. Poster, but it's a man's world we live in up in the woods and - we don't rightly see how a woman fits in.
- Jenny Hager: I want you to do something for us. But, you're afraid. I could promise you so many things. And, yet, you're afraid.
- Ephraim Poster: Jenny, you're married to my father.
- Jenny Hager: And his son loves me.
- Ephraim Poster: He's been so good to both of us.
- Jenny Hager: His son has always loved me.
- Ephraim Poster: I should have gone away.
- Jenny Hager: But, you couldn't. Because you love me.
- Ephraim Poster: Yes, yes. I've loved you since before I knew the meaning of the word. The day I came home, the time you kissed me, the moment I said I'd stay here, I've loved you and loved you and loved you.
- Jenny Hager: I love him. But, if you still want him, he's yours. You know that. You know I'd give him back to you if - if you asked me to.
- Jenny Hager: It must have been the storm. That's the only way I can explain it. The storm and the excitement and the lightening struck us. What more can I say?
- Jenny Hager: I don't know what you're talking about.
- John Evered: You didn't make him love you?
- Jenny Hager: But, of course I did. He was my husband's son and I wanted him to love me.
- John Evered: That isn't what he meant.
- Lincoln Pittridge: How sweet are the ladies of Sodom and Gomorrah. How sweet in silks and satins and laces and ruffles - here, in the house of God.
- Lincoln Pittridge: There will be no sons to mourn for you. No daughters to weep for you. Evil does not propagate itself. It withers in its own fire and is consumed.
- Jenny Hager: I suppose, I'm a fool.
- Meg Saladine: Why?
- Jenny Hager: I should have realized that when he said he loved me, he must have said the same thing to you just the day before.
- Meg Saladine: No, he didn't. He never said those words to me. I thought, it was because he was shy.
- Lincoln Pittridge: You cannot hide behind your beauty. Your beauty has made you evil and evil destroys itself. Your soul will become naked. The truth will be revealed. Confess now!