- Ellen Morgan: Do you think there's a man on earth without something to conceal. Every living soul has his Ox Head Woods.
- Pete Morgan: Sometimes we figure too much son, the wrong things. Things that can't ever be figured. Then it's bad, bad for everyone. It's quicksand!
- Nath Storm: A lot of guys are working on getting to the moon in a rocket. They think that's worth working for. But I like the ground around here and I'd just as soon keep my feet on it.
- Nath Storm: You scared the daylights out of me last night.
- Pete Morgan: The truth shouldn't scare anybody, man or boy.
- Nath Storm: You do more than talk things over, you come back here a bride. We don't want any dead ducks in the family.
- Pete Morgan: Whatever happiness I get I've got to find while I live.
- Ellen Morgan: You can get happiness by giving it.
- Pete Morgan: I picked up a bull whip and beat him till he wasn't handsome anymore, till he was dead! Finished!
- [last lines]
- Nath Storm: I thought I'd better finish what Ellen set out to do, Sweetheart. I set fire to the red house. Looking forwards is much better than looking back.
- Nath Storm: I thought Pete told you not to go in those woods.
- Meg Morgan: I can't help it. I want to.
- Nath Storm: Tibby, you've got Meg all wrong, didn't she ask you out to spend the day and have dinner?
- Tibby Renton: Yeah, but why?
- Nath Storm: Can't anybody do anything without you figuring they've got an angle?
- Tibby Renton: I've always got an angle. I've got an angle on you! A girl always has a reason when she does something.
- Pete Morgan: Now you listen to me. All I have in the world is you. If there's anything you want, I'll get it for you, But there's one thing you've got to do for me. You stay out of those woods!
- Meg Morgan: I've grown up and I've got a right to do as I please.
- Pete Morgan: I've never laid hands on you in my life. But I'll take the whip to you if you do!
- Meg Morgan: I don't care what Pete said, I wish we were prowling in the woods today.
- Nath Storm: I wish Tibby'd forgotten our date.
- Meg Morgan: So do I.
- Pete Morgan: I can't let her go! As long as the red house stands in the quarry, my whole life is Meg's and her life is mine!
- Tibby Renton: Hi, what you got on your mind... me?
- Teller: I couldn't get you outta my mind baby.
- Tibby Renton: That's the way I was made too.
- Pete Morgan: Then you did kill her?
- Pete Morgan: No, it was an accident, I was just trying to keep her quiet.
- Teller: [ogling her] You're growing up, Tibby. You're almost a woman.
- Tibby Renton: Almost? I'm woman enough already.
- Teller: [laughs] I wouldn't say that.
- Tibby Renton: Oh, what do you know about anything? You never got past the ninth grade.
- Teller: [suggestively] I'm doin' plenty of things... things they don't teach in school.
- Teller: [to Tibby] Who are you kidding? You can fool around with pretty boy Nath Storm as much as you like, but when you decide on a man, you come to me.
- Pete Morgan: [to Teller] There's no better way to enforce a 'no trespassing" sign than a bullet missng somebody's skull.
- Nath Storm: Why don't you two go and get married while you're still young enough to enjoy it?
- Mrs. Storm: Shame on you, talking to your mother that way.
- Nath Storm: If you don't marry him now, he'll meet some chick up north, and then you'll be a dead duck.
- Pete Morgan: You won't save yourself from the screams in the night, It'll lodge in your bones all your life!
- Nath Storm: Screams from where?
- Pete Morgan: From the red house!
- Pete Morgan: Seems there's enough trouble in this world without having to go out and look for it.
- Tibby Renton: Well, I'm all the trouble he can handle if he only knew it.
- Tibby Renton: Do you love me?
- Nath Storm: Sure.
- Tibby Renton: Just keep me well kissed. I like to be kissed.
- Teller: I want you to do me a favor. You've got looks and all the rest besides. Besides that, I figure you're the kind that's got more sense in your head than comes out of your mouth.
- Tibby Renton: Maybe I have.
- Pete Morgan: You know, when I was a young man and in love, Sunday was always a good day for spooning.
- Nath Storm: Thanks for the use of the truck.
- Pete Morgan: Always ready to give love a helping hand.
- Tibby Renton: Would it be too much to ask that we spend next Sunday by ourselves? Just you and me? Or is it more important to play hide and seek in the woods with Meg?
- Nath Storm: Go on, get madder. It makes your cheeks pink.
- Tibby Renton: Don't think you're going to talk me into a kiss goodbye. I want you to miss 'em, long enough to make them more important than - haunted houses. So save it for next Sunday.
- Nath Storm: Well, that's a well one you are keeping a secret, blabbing to Pete.
- Tibby Renton: I didn't blab, it just slipped out. And a fine swimming date we had, I don't think.
- Nath Storm: You know, Tibby, you're might pretty, especially when you're mad. And I guess maybe, maybe when you're mad, you're just about the prettiest gal there is.
- Pete Morgan: [on the phone] Dr. Byrne? This is Pete Morgan, we need you. Our Meg's leg is broken. Come quick.
- Dr. Jonathan Byrne: Say, wasn't he working here at the time you broke this pretty leg?
- Meg Morgan: Yes, but he had to get a full-time job.
- Dr. Jonathan Byrne: He's got a full-time job handling Tibby. She's a wild one.
- Narrator: The young people for miles around come to the high school. The boys graduate a little older than those in the city. That's because they take time out for planting and helping with the harvest. They're a healthy lot. And girls don't come prettier any place.
- Tibby Renton: We've been on a wild goose chase for four solid hours. Find your haunted house on your own time. You're on my time now, or had you forgotten we had a date to go swimming this afternoon. Just the two of us. Remember?
- Tibby Renton: I wanna clear out these hills when I get married.
- Nath Storm: Since when?
- Tibby Renton: Since now.