Kirk Douglas est crédité comme jouant...
- Midge: For the first time in my life, people cheering for me. Were you deaf? Didn't you hear 'em? We're not hitchhiking any more. We're riding!
- Midge: Look, you and me and the old lady. That's what's important. Nobody else.
- Connie: What's happened to you? Nothing stands in your way anymore, does it? First, Emma, then Johnny Dunne, now Haley. You've got your own way of destroying people and I don't want any part of it.
- Midge: Well, who's twisting your arm?
- Connie: Thanks, Midge. You've made it easy for me.
- [starts to leave]
- Midge: OK, go on. Feed yourself for a change. Find yourself a job. Go with Haley. Ah, take your bleeding heart out of here.
- Connie: It's not that, Midge. It's just that I wouldn't get much sleep at nights wondering when it was going to be my turn.
- [he exits]
- Connie: And I know you, but I didn't know you up in that ring. You looked as if you wanted to kill that guy. As if you would've killed him if they hadn't stopped you.
- Midge: Is that bad?
- Connie: I don't know. I really don't know. But I kept thinking you weren't just hitting that guy in the ring. I kept thinking you were hitting a lot of guys. Different guys. All the guys that ever hurt you. I can't put my finger on it but there's... there's something wrong about that.
- Midge: [to Grace] You dumped me once. Now I'm dumping you. For good. You better promote yourself another meal ticket.
- Emma: It's funny.
- Midge: What?
- Emma: You know, I didn't like you at first. Well, you know, you never smile. I mean really smile. Not just on the outside.
- Midge: Got to be happy to smile that way.
- Emma: Aren't you happy?
- Midge: Well, right now I am.
- Emma: Then why don't you smile?
- Emma: [he laughs] Midge, why aren't you happy?
- Midge: Happy? It's hard to be happy when you're poor. I've been poor all my life. Real poor. You know what it is to be real poor? Cold poor? Hungry poor?