Jack Carson credited as playing...
Fred Taylor
- Mary McKinley: How did John sound to you on the telephone?
- Fred Taylor: What do you mean?
- Mary McKinley: Well, I thought his voice was deeper than when he left.
- Fred Taylor: Oh, well, that could be. He was a sergeant.
- Fred Taylor: That's right, your father's a congressman, isn't he?
- Mary McKinley: He's a senator.
- Fred Taylor: Well, that's uh, uh, yeah, well I know the difference - we had it in school.
- Fred Taylor: Oh, darling, this is just a lover's quarrel.
- Lt. Victor O'Leary: I wasn't aware there was a quarrel.
- Fred Taylor: Oh, don't be irritating, Mary. When a woman locks herself up in the bedroom, that's considered a quarrel.
- Lt. Victor O'Leary: I didn't know there were established rules.
- Fred Taylor: Well, there are.
- Fred Taylor: Why, general, what happened to you? Have you had an accident?
- Phyllis McKinley: [Has a taped lens on his glasses and a crushed hat] I was attacked by a drunken usher in the men's room of the Strand Theater.
- Fred Taylor: No?
- Phyllis McKinley: He broke my glasses, and look at this hat.
- Fred Taylor: But, why? Why did he do it?
- Phyllis McKinley: I don't know why. He asked me whether I'd ever been to West Point. I said that I had, and he seemed pleasant enough. I thought he was going to ask me about the football team. That's what they usually ask. And then he jumped on me.