- Sgt. Randolph Johnson: Wasn't there a comment by your General Sherman about war?
- Lt. Butterfield: Yeah, he said, "War is Hell." What did he know, that eight-ball never left the States.
- Sgt. Zelenko: Now listen to me! You new men! Step up here! Don't let Slattery give ya a snow job and get ya into trouble. He's got no more sense that a... sittin' hen in a hurricane. That's why he's been a private longer'n any man in the Marine Corps. And he'll *die* a private. Don't have a thing to do with him! 'Cept when things get tough. Stick to him like plaster. Best fightin' man I know. But before and after, he's a no good money burnin', gin drinkin', horse head!
- Sgt. Randolph Johnson: [giving tobacco to a Japanese prisoner who's begging for some] Always treat a human being like a human being. You'll be surprised what happens.
- Lt. Anderson: [Carl Anderson, chemistry teacher, helping Stuart Conroy with his stuttering has him recite this line] Hope is the mother of all men.