Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951)
Ruth Roman: Cathy Higgins
Cathy Higgins : You worked a whole day just to dance a minute at Dream Land?
Bill Clark : It was worth it.
Cathy Higgins : Quick on the trigger, aren't you?
Bill Clark : [angrily] What do you mean by that?
Cathy Higgins : [smiling] Simmer down, you'll live longer.
Cathy Higgins : I came to New York from up state. I was gonna be a dancer. I was a brunette. Started on my toes and wound up on my heels.
Cathy Higgins : [looks Bill over] The name is Cay... when you get bored.
Cathy Higgins : [Bill clumsily dances with Cay] You can't dance. What did you come up here for?
Bill Clark : To meet somebody.
Cathy Higgins : [releasing his clutch] I don't give private lessons.
Bill Clark : My name is Clark. Bill Clark.
Cathy Higgins : [holding up a drink] Nice to meet you, mister. Here's mud in your eye.
Bill Clark : [holds her hand] You... you know you got me all wrong.
Cathy Higgins : Let's not make a big thing out of it.
Bill Clark : I just wanted to meet somebody.
Cathy Higgins : [playing up to him] So you like me, huh?
Bill Clark : I'd like to know you better.
Cathy Higgins : One way is to spread a little joy around. Joy. Little presents.
Bill Clark : [still not understanding what she means] What kind of presents?
Cathy Higgins : That's up to you and how much you like me.
Bill Clark : What time do you get through here?
Cathy Higgins : There's a house rule against dating customers.
Bill Clark : Do you always stick to the rules?
Cathy Higgins : Yes, my own.
Bill Clark : [in asking if she'd show him around the city] I've never been here before.
Cathy Higgins : [cynically] You can get a sightseeing tour for a buck.