Ronald Reagan credited as playing...
Frame Johnson
- [The town undertaker, Denver Cahoon, is trying to drum up business]
- Denver Cahoon: Where's the Durango Kid?
- Frame Johnson: That's him.
- Denver Cahoon: You mean to say you brought him back alive?
- Frame Johnson: Well, for the time being.
- Denver Cahoon: Now, we've been friends for a long time, Frame. But since you cleaned up this town, I can't hardly make a living. How do you expect me to make any money off of him?
- Durango Kid: Don't worry about it friend, you won't have to wait long.
- Durango Kid: Why didn't you shoot me when you had the chance?
- Frame Johnson: I'm hired to keep the peace, not kill people.
- Durango Kid: Seems like the two of them sort of go hand in hand.
- Frame Johnson: At least you got the satisfaction of knowin' you'll get hung legal.
- Durango Kid: That might be some satisfaction to you. But I can't help thinkin' you wind up dead either way.