Dakota Incident (1956)
Dale Robertson: John Banner
John Banner : Hamilton, you're the only man I ever knew who didn't put his thoughts right on his face where everybody could read them.
John Carter : I'm no hero, friend. I'd be a fool to let chivalry carry me off in a box.
John Banner : It's only a real scared man who stands up and shouts how brave he is.
Matthew Barnes : Charity case. Nothing but charity cases. Who is gonna pay for this funeral?
John Banner : You'll find $300 in his vest pocket. You take out for his funeral and send the rest to his nearest relative.
Matthew Barnes : Nearest relative, huh?
[To corpse]
Matthew Barnes : Nephew, you just found yourself an uncle.
John Banner : It's getting hot. He needs burying!
Amy Clarke : He really believed what he said.
John Banner : Enough to die for it.
John Banner : You keep riding, Frank. And don't let me ever find you.
John Banner : I know it's not very sociable, but I've got a gun aimed right at your belly.
[an Indian gives Banner and Amy his horse]
Cheyenne Leader : I make you a present.
John Banner : White man thanks Indian.
Amy Clarke : But your people! They went away... they left you!
Cheyenne Leader : I walk back to my home over the mountains.
John Banner : But why?
Cheyenne Leader : It is the custom of my people. The walk is part of the gift.
Amy Clarke : You killed a man once over a bottle of whiskey... winner take all. How many Indians would you kill for a canteen of water?
John Banner : That's not the way I look at it. The point is, I don't want 'em to kill the only real friend I got - me!
Sen. Blakely : How could you hate a man so much?
John Banner : I didn't hate him. He was my brother!
John Banner : Start walking and count to ten. And try not to deal off the bottom of the deck.
John Banner : Only a fool gives a woman a loaded gun.
Amy Clarke : Just a moment ago, you referred to me as a lady. In the future, please remember that I happen to be one.
John Banner : No woman just happens to be a lady. There's some that work at it harder than others.
John Banner : You're not only pretty, but you're smart, too. Can you cook?
Amy Clarke : You've got petticoat fever, haven't you?