Fred Sherman credited as playing...
Hank Parker
- Pat Brennan: You got a fine boy there, Hank. He knows his stock. He'll make a first rate station man one day.
- Hank Parker: Not if I can help it, he won't. Ain't a fit life bein' stuck out in the middle of nowhere, all by yourself, knowin' nobody but stage drivers and shotguns. Ain't no fit life at all.
- Pat Brennan: Always thought you were happy at it.
- Hank Parker: Well...
- Pat Brennan: [excepts a gourdful of water from Hank] Thanks.
- Hank Parker: ...I was. When Jeff's mother was alive, I was. Alone, it's different. My retire time comes up next fall and I'm gonna take it. A man shouldn't oughta be stuck off by hisself in this kind of country, Pat. It ain't natural!
- Pat Brennan: You wouldn't be half meanin' me by that, would ya, Hank?
- Hank Parker: Well, come to think of it, I guess I do. Ain't right your workin' that spread of yours all alone.
- Pat Brennan: Can't afford to hire hands - not yet, anyway. Still a lot of building to do, fences to run and such. But if I get to lonely, Hank, I can always talk to my stock!
- Hank Parker: Well, when they start talkin' back to ya, just remember what I told ya.