A spellbound Fisk reads a paperback copy of D.H. Lawrence's "Lady Chatterley's Lover". This was a timely gag in 1961, as its publishers Penguin Books had been prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Act in a widely-publicized trial at the Old Bailey the previous year.
Although they played father and daughter, George Woodbridge was five years younger than Valerie Taylor.
The film is heavily referenced in Jonathan Coe's 1994 novel "What a Carve Up!" Shirley Eaton said in an interview that she was thrilled that she's included in the book and she's on the cover.
The family name, Broughton, is the same name as the character played by Cedric Hardwicke in the 1933 film, The Ghoul, which is considered the first British horror film.
This was the only film resembling a horror production that Sid James appeared in.