Jud Taylor credited as playing...
- Goff: No taxation without representation!
- Hilts: [tasting the moonshine, speaks in a raspy voice] Wow!
- Hendley: [tasting the moonshine, speaks in a hoarse tone] Wow!
- Goff: [tasting the moonshine, is wracked with coughing and weakly says while still coughing] ... wow...
- Hilts: You see the way the goons got those towers placed?
- Goff: [glancing at the towers] Yeah.
- Hilts: There's a blind spot right in the middle.
- Goff: A blind spot?
- Hilts: A guy could stand at that wire and not be seen by that tower or that tower. The one on the end is too far; they'd never see me, especially at night.
- Goff: You're crazy.
- Hilts: You think so? Well, let's find out, right now.
- [throwing his baseball over to the wire and observing the guards]
- Hilts: Now, the next step's a little tricky.
- Goff: You're not going out there?
- Hilts: Not while they're looking, I'm not.
- Goff: [Sedgewick has just descended into the tunnel entrance] Was that Sedgewick with his steamer trunk?
- Cavendish: Who else?
- Goff: I wish he was back in Australia with his kangaroos.
- Hilts: [tasting their moonshine] Wow!
- Hendley: Wow!
- Goff: [starts coughing uncontrollably] Wow!
- Goff: Hey, Virgil. Hey, did you see the cooler? Boy, is it ever a big one.
- Hilts: I think they expect a lot of business.