The Trial (1962)
Jess Hahn: Second Assistant Inspector
First Assistant Inspector : You've got a lot of real nice shirts.
Joseph K. : You leave those shirts alone!
Second Assistant Inspector : Know something? You'd do a whole lot better to give them things to us. After they're impounded officially, and carted off to headquarters, you won't know what happens to them shirts.
First Assistant Inspector : There's every kind of crookedness and bribery in them public auctions.
Second Assistant Inspector : Now, we're your friends.
First Assistant Inspector : Sure, we are. You ought to give us some of them shirts at least.
Second Assistant Inspector : What's this?
Joseph K. : What's what?
Second Assistant Inspector : A circular line with four holes.
First Assistant Inspector : A circular line...
Second Assistant Inspector : No, it's not really circular. It's more ovular.
Joseph K. : Don't write that down...
Second Assistant Inspector : Ovular!
Joseph K. : For Pete's sake.
Second Assistant Inspector : Why not?
Joseph K. : Ovular?
First Assistant Inspector : We can't not write it down just because you say we shouldn't.
Joseph K. : Ovular isn't even a word.
Second Assistant Inspector : Do you deny there's an ovular shape concealed under this rug?
First Assistant Inspector : He denies everything!
First Assistant Inspector : Do you want some good advice, mister? I wouldn't want the others to hear about it.
Joseph K. : Well, now you'll want money, I suppose. Well, you've got the wrong man.
First Assistant Inspector : That's what they all say.
Joseph K. : I mean - bribery. I don't believe in it.
First Assistant Inspector : Wait a minute, have I asked you to give me anything, sir? Mister?
Second Assistant Inspector : We're leaving, mister.
First Assistant Inspector : You're not going to be one of them troublemakers, now, are you?
First Assistant Inspector : You accused us of corruption. You lodged a complaint.
Joseph K. : I only mentioned - I only mentioned it to the Inspector.
Second Assistant Inspector : And to the Examining Magistrate. Accused us of soliciting for bribes.
Joseph K. : Well, you're not exactly innocent...
First Assistant Inspector : If you knew what kind of money we're expected to live on, you wouldn't be so hard on us!
Second Assistant Inspector : I've got a family to feed. Frank, here, wants to get married.
First Assistant Inspector : It's custom for the arresting officers to get the prisoner's body linen.
Second Assistant Inspector : Yeah, well, what difference can a few shirts make to anybody?
First Assistant Inspector : Nothing!
Second Assistant Inspector : Nothing at all! But still you had to denounce us.
Joseph K. : Well, it wasn't anything personal. I was defending a principle.