Ned Glass credited as playing...
Doc Schindler
- Willie Gingrich: He's gonna give you a shot to help you pass those tests.
- Harry Hinkle: Oh, I'm not gonna take any shots from a waiter!
- Willie Gingrich: What do you mean "waiter?" This is Doc Schindler, from Chicago.
- Doc Schindler: Howdy.
- Willie Gingrich: Those insurance guys think they're such geniuses. What they forget is every time they build a better mousetrap, the mice gets smarter, too.
- Harry Hinkle: You'll be careful, won't you, Doc?
- Doc Schindler: I better be, because I'm on parole.
- Harry Hinkle: Parole?
- Doc Schindler: They caught me tampering with a horse at Arlington Park.
- Harry Hinkle: A veterinary?
- Willie Gingrich: Well, actually, he's a dentist.
- Doc Schindler: What do you want?
- Willie Gingrich: Right arm and left leg. Make them good and numb.
- Doc Schindler: Oh, *numb*.
- Willie Gingrich: Sure, we want those nerves blocked!
- Doc Schindler: Oh, then I better use the Novocain, because with this stuff, he'll run the mile in 1:34 flat.