The nightclub scene has a mismatched cut of Doris: in a three-shot, her chin is in her hand; cut immediately to a close-up, her hands are clasped together in front of her.
Stacey gives Abby the finished to-do list in the bedroom, but when Stacey greets Jake at the front door, she hands him the list.
In the scene where Abby and Jake are arguing in the camper, Jake removes his shoes but not his socks. He then drops the shoes to the floor and puts his bare feet up on the seat across from him.
When the newly-blended family enters the Haunted Castle ride at the amusement park, the boys are in car 4, the teens are behind them in car 1, and the parents are last in car 3. When they exit the ride, Stacey and Flip have purposely changed places to be with their parents, but the order of the three cars changes to 5, 3, and 4.
When Jake and Abby meet in her car at the drive-in after the grocery store, Jake goes from leaning his cheek on his hand when the shot is on him to rubbing Abby's shoulder with his index finger when the shot is on her.
Allan Melvin's first name is misspelled as 'Alan' in the opening credits, but correct in the closing credits.
When Abby is listening to the television, the news report voice says, "the weather for the San Francisco Bay Area", thus suggesting that she lives in that area. Since her sister lives near her, going on a "trip" to San Francisco isn't logical as it is within an hour's drive (from most outlying areas, and at that time there was very little commute traffic). Additionally, most people drive the 3 hours to Reno to elope rather than fly to Las Vegas.
Jake tells Abby the fake story that he has to pick someone up at the airport at 11:30, and when she spots him at the grocery store she tells him he has less than a minute to be there. After shopping they go for a cup of coffee at the drive-in, which closes on 2:00am.
When Abby is looking for Jake, she tells the hippies at the drive-in that he is in his undershorts and, she thinks, is carrying a teddy bear. She had no idea that he had fallen out of the camper to begin with and therefore could not have known either of these facts.
Flip and Stacey switch cars during the Haunted Castle ride in order to sit with their parents, but the logistics of this would be impossible without one of the parents trading places too. Stacey moved to Jake's car, but Abby would have had to move to Flip's.
When Abby realizes Jake is not in the camper and makes a U-turn to go looking for him, the very next cut is Jake walking down the same street.
When Abby recognizes Stacey before the graduation ceremony and asks Flip who she is, Abby describes her as having long dark hair with bangs. Stacey's bangs were not visible then nor at the night club when Abby first saw her.