Albert Dekker credited as playing...
- Deke Thornton: Tell me, Mr. Harrigan, how does it feel? Getting paid for it? Getting paid to sit back and hire your killings... with the law's arms around you? How does it feel to be so goddamn right?
- Harrigan: Good.
- Deke Thornton: You dirty son of a bitch!
- Harrigan: And who the hell is Mapache?
- Deke Thornton: A killer for Huerta who calls himself a general. He's been fighting Villa, and losing.
- Rev. Wainscoat: Innocent people are dead. Women dying and mangled because you used our town as a battlefield. You're gonna pay! The railroad is gonna pay for our loss!
- Harrigan: We were trying to catch a band of outlaws.
- Rev. Wainscoat: You lured that gang in here. The railroad has been blabbing about a big silver payload for weeks.
- Harrigan: We represent the law!
- Harrigan: You stupid damned fools. Why did you shoot this employee and let the others get away?
- T.C.: I didn't! My first shot killed this man right here!
- Coffer: Liar! He shot that employee while I dropped this bandit and them others too. I must've killed all three of them.
- T.C.: What were we doing up on that roof?
- Coffer: Liar! Liar! Black Liar!
- T.C.: Don't talk like that to me.
- Coffer: I'm sorry. Come on T. C. , help me get his boots.
- T.C.: I think this will do pretty good.
- Deke Thornton: Harrigan! Next time, plan a massacre more carefully, or I'll start with you.
- Harrigan: Why didn't you kill Pike when you had the chance?