Edmond O'Brien credited as playing...
- [last lines]
- Sykes: I didn't expect to find you here.
- Deke Thornton: Why not? I sent them back. That's all I said I'd do.
- Sykes: They didn't get very far.
- Deke Thornton: I figured.
- Sykes: What are your plans, now?
- Deke Thornton: Drift around down here. Try to stay out of jail.
- Sykes: Well, me and the boys got some work to do. You want to come with us? It ain't like it used to be, but it'll do.
- Tector Gorch: Silver rings.
- Dutch Engstrom: [upset] "Silver rings", your butt! Them's washers! Damn!
- Lyle Gorch: Washers. Washers. We shot our way out of that town for a dollar's worth of steel holes!
- Pike Bishop: They set it up.
- Lyle Gorch: "They"? Who in the hell is "they?"
- Sykes: [laughs hysterically] "They"? Why, they is the plain and fancy they, that's who "they" is! Caught you, didn't they? Tied a tin can to your tail. Led you in and waltzed you out again. Oh my, what a bunch! Big tough ones, hunh? Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your ass, and a big grin to pass the time of day with. They? Who the hell is "they?"
- Pike Bishop: Railroad men... bounty hunters... Deke Thornton.
- Sykes: Say, back there in Starbuck. How'd my boy do?
- Pike Bishop: Your boy? Crazy Lee?
- Sykes: Yeah, C.L., Clarence Lee, my daughter's boy. Not too bright, but a good boy.
- Pike Bishop: [thinks back on Crazy Lee agreeing to remain behind while the rest escaped] Why didn't you tell me he was your grandson?
- Sykes: Well, you had enough things on your mind; besides he had to pull his own weight just like the rest of us. I just wanted to make sure he didn't let you down: run when things got hot. Huh? Huh?
- Pike Bishop: No, he did fine... just fine.
- Angel: Would you give guns to someone to kill your father or your mother or your brother?
- Pike Bishop: Ten thousand cuts an awful lot of family ties.
- Angel: My people have no guns. But with guns, my people could fight! If I could take guns... I would go with you.
- Dutch Engstrom: Hey, uh, how many cases of rifles did Zamora say was in that shipment?
- Pike Bishop: Sixteen.
- Dutch Engstrom: Well, give him one.
- Pike Bishop: All right. One case... and one case of ammo; but you give up your share of the gold.
- Angel: I will.
- Pike Bishop: We know you will.
- Sykes: I'm sure glad we got that settled.
- [the Bunch has just escaped from bounty hunters by blowing up a bridge]
- Dutch Engstrom: At least we won't have to worry about Deke Thornton.
- Pike Bishop: [laughs] Hell, no; not after ridin' a half a case of dynamite into the river!
- Sykes: [calmly] Well, don't expect him to stay there! He'll be along... and you know it!
- Dutch Engstrom: What's our next move?
- Pike Bishop: Well, I figure Agua Verde's the closest... three days maybe. Then get the news and drift back to the border. Maybe a payroll, maybe a bank.
- Dutch Engstrom: Maybe that damn railroad.
- Tector Gorch: That damn railroad you're talkin' about, sure as hell ain't a-gettin' no easier.
- Sykes: And you boys ain't gettin' any younger either!
- [laughs]
- Pike Bishop: We've got to start thinking beyond our guns. Those days are closin' fast.
- Dutch Engstrom: [impressed] Well, I'd say those fellas know how to handle themselves!
- Sykes: They been fightin' Apaches for a thousand years; That's a sure way to learn.
- Pike Bishop: They ever get armed, with good leaders, this whole country'll go up in smoke!
- Sykes: That it will son, that it will.
- Lyle Gorch: They made damn fools out of us, Mr. Bishop! Gettin' so a feller can't sleep with both eyes closed for fear of gettin' his throat cut. Where in hell were you?
- Tector Gorch: Now you listen to me, Lyle - You get up off your ass and help once in a while, I wouldn'a got caught near s'easy.
- Sykes: Hey, that was a mighty fine talk you gave the boys back there about sticking together. That Gorch came near killing me. Or me him.
- [chuckles]
- Sykes: Damned old fool like me is not worth taking along.
- Pike Bishop: We started together. We'll end it together.
- Sykes: By God, that's the way I see it. That's the way it's always been with me.
- Sykes: Well, I'm a sonofabitch. Trot them right in, fellas. I'm hell on packin' mules, but I'm a delight with a pretty girl.