M*A*S*H (1972–1983)
Harry Morgan: Col. Sherman T. Potter, Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele
[about Hawkeye and BJ]
Col. Potter : Please excuse these two, they're themselves today.
Frank Burns : I love it here.
Col. Potter : Either you or Klinger is nuts. Now I have to figure out which one.
Col. Potter : [Potter, Hawkeye & BJ are drinking in the Swamp] Y'know, I had a still, on Guam. One night, it blew up!
[leans forward conspiratorially]
Col. Potter : That's how I got my Purple Heart.
Father Mulcahy : Colonel, an ambulance has turned over in the compound, you better come on the double.
Col. Potter : Anybody hurt?
Father Mulcahy : Well, the driver's a bit shaken-up, but he'll be all right.
Col. Potter : No-one else inside?
Father Mulcahy : No.
Col. Potter : Thank God.
Father Mulcahy : I already did.
Klinger : [Klinger enters Potter's office with a giant salami in one hand, and a giant loaf of bread in the other] 50 more pounds, and I'm homeward-bound!
Col. Potter : You're going to *eat* you way to a discharge?
Klinger : I call it "Food for Freedom"!
Col. Potter : I call it "Suicide by Salami"!
Klinger : I'll take my chances!
Col. Potter : Okay, when you can't get through that door, come see me.
Klinger : I'll be wearing a size 30, sir.
Col. Potter : The General answers his own phone. Must be a Unitarian.