Antonio Fargas credited as playing...
- Doodlebug: It ain't my hair that's botherin' me, it's Mommy! Oh, why she got to go bring Cleopatra back to town for? Man, that broad is 10 miles of bad road!
- Cleopatra Jones: It's a nice touch, a white chauffeur, all this. What's next, Doodlebug? Two white iron jockeys on the lawn?
- Doodlebug: Look, you startin' to bug me.
- Cleopatra Jones: Not half as much as I'm going to, Mister.
- Doodlebug: When Cleopatra gets through with you, you gonna wind up with nothin'!
- Mommy: I'll take care of Cleopatra Jones.
- Doodlebug: Well let me tell you something. You are no match for that black lady.
- Mommy: Yeah?
- Doodlebug: Yeah! I quit! That's right. Finished. Through. Fini. Arrivederci, Mama. Pickle. Plug. Let's split. Oh, by the way, if any of your army tries to mess with any of my army, you gonna wind up with a whole lot of army surplus on your hands. See you around, Super Honkie.
- Doodlebug: Hey, how do I look?
- Pickle: You look good...
- Doodlebug: I don't look good. I look marvelous. It's 'cause I take care of my hair. My hair is like a woman. You treat it good and it treats you good. Ain't that right honey? You hear what I'm saying? Yeah, you got to hold it, caress it, love it. And it will love you right back. And if your hair gets out of line, you take a scissor and say, "Hair, I'm going to cut you."
- Doodlebug: Then, Mommy go and bust the B&S House, cause all that mess at the airport, make me nervous, make The Man nervous, make this town HOTTER than a FIRECRACKER! Shoot! Well, if she can't run her business better than that, I'm gonna run my own business.