Dan Frazer credited as playing...
- Crawford: Now, Cleo, don't make anything worse. This isn't exactly your jurisdiction.
- Cleopatra Jones: My jurisdiction extends from Ankara, Turkey to Watts Tower, baby.
- Crawford: Nothing smells worst than a rotten cop. And you stink!
- Sgt. Kert: You got anything to say Purdy?
- Purdy: I ain't sayin' nothin' 'til I see a lawyer.
- Cleopatra Jones: We're going to find out anyway. So, why don't you tell us who paid you to plant that dope on Jimmy Beekers.
- Purdy: I never planted no dope on nobody! And if I did, I wouldn't have to figure to help you or any of your kind.
- Sgt. Kert: Here's the file on those two guys.
- Crawford: What two guys?
- Sgt. Kert: Oh, the two goons at the airport that tried to hit Cleo.
- Crawford: Assault and battery. Dismissed. Extortion. Two counts. Dismissed. Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Armed Robbery. Attempted Rape. Oh, what the hell. Nobody's perfect.
- Crawford: I heard about the rumble at the airport. We got a positive ID on the corpse and a couple of maybes on the other two. Are you okay?
- Cleopatra Jones: My body's okay.
- Crawford: Ha-ha. It's magnificent.
- Crawford: Hello, beautiful.
- Cleopatra Jones: Hello Lou. Kert.
- Crawford: Recognize him?
- Cleopatra Jones: That's the cat at the airport. That one too.
- Crawford: Baby Tony and a creep named Zap. We'll take care of 'em.