Albert Popwell credited as playing...
Matthew Johnson
- Melvin Johnson: Shucks, we're going to be here all night, we might as well get something to eat, cause I'm hungry.
- Matthew Johnson: There's a restaurant right over there.
- Melvin Johnson: Ah, big brother, I'm financially embarrassed and I got a little case of the shorts, man.
- Matthew Johnson: You also have my deepest sympathies, too.
- Melvin Johnson: Oh, come on man, you can loan me five dollars, man. I'll give it back to you.
- Matthew Johnson: Five bucks? Man, if I had five bucks, I'd be sitting over there in that dirty old movie, watching them dirty old naked women run across that dirty old screen!
- Matthew Johnson: Look, here's a couple of quarters. Why don't you go in there and get us some coffee.
- Melvin Johnson: Oh, come on man, give me 15 cents for a donut.
- Matthew Johnson: Anything to stop your nagging.
- Melvin Johnson: Oh, you jive cheatin' nigga.
- Melvin Johnson: Hi, I'm the Man from Glad.
- Matthew Johnson: And I'm the Avon Lady.
- Purdy: I'm comin' through there, boy.
- Matthew Johnson: Did i hear the man correctly? Did he call you, Roy?
- Cleopatra Jones: Alright, Matthew, you cover the rear.
- Matthew Johnson: Gotcha!
- Cleopatra Jones: Melvin, I'm going in the front. You cover.
- Melvin Johnson: Right on, baby!