John Vernon credited as playing...
Captain Fletcher
- [last lines]
- [Fletcher knows he's talking to Josey Wales]
- Fletcher: I think I'll go down to Mexico to try to find him.
- Josey Wales: And then?
- Fletcher: He's got the first move. I owe him that. I think I'll try to tell him the war is over. What do you say, Mr. Wilson?
- Josey Wales: I reckon so. I guess we all died a little in that damn war.
- Fletcher: Damn you, Senator. You promised me those men would be decently treated.
- Senator Lane: They were decently treated. They were decently fed and then they were decently shot. Those men are common outlaws, nothing more.
- Fletcher: [Fletcher notices Terrell standing with Lane] What the hell is this Redleg doin' here? You said regular Federal authorities would be handling this!
- Senator Lane: Captain Terrell is the regular Federal authority now.
- Fletcher: Captain Terrell is a bloodthirsty sonofabitch! He's a looter and a pillager! He's the worst enemy those men have got!
- [telling Capt. Terrell why they need to go in a different direction than Wales' true course]
- Fletcher: Look at those boys over there: tied-down guns. Bounty hunters. Come out of a war, got no other way to make a livin'. Every last mother's son of them wants that money you got on Wales' head. Now, you and me didn't ride all that way for that. I don't want to hear Wales dead... I want to SEE Wales dead.