Sam Bottoms credited as playing...
- Jamie: I wish we had time to bury them fellas.
- Josey Wales: To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.
- Granny Hawkins: So you'll be Josey Wales.
- Josey Wales: Now how might you know that, Granny?
- Granny Hawkins: Soldiers were here looking for you 'bout two hours ago.
- [Josey looks at Carstairs]
- Sim Carstairs: Uh, I was goin' to mention that to you... as soon as I got the chance.
- Granny Hawkins: They say you killed your own men.
- Jamie: Those lying, blue-scum bellies...
- Granny Hawkins: They say you're a hard put and desperate man, Josey Wales. They're goin' to heel and hide you to a barn door. You know what I say?
- Josey Wales: What's that?
- Granny Hawkins: I say that big talk's worth doodly-squat. Now them poultices be laced with feathermoss and mustard root. Mind you drop water on 'em occasional and keep 'em damp.
- [Walks off]
- Granny Hawkins: You can pay me when you see me again, Josey Wales.
- Josey Wales: I reckon so.
- Jamie: You can't get 'em all, Josey.
- Josey Wales: That's a fact.
- Jamie: How come you're doing this then?
- Josey Wales: Because I ain't got nothin' better to do.
- Jamie: [after Jamie and Josey kill Abe and Lige] I figured you could use some help.
- Josey Wales: You get those holes a-leakin', I'm gonna whomp you with a knotted plow line.
- Jamie: [Josey and Jamie are waiting for the Redlegs to cross the river] They comin'.
- [Josey pulls a Sharp's rifle with a early telescopic sight on it from his horse]
- Carpetbagger: Do you really think you can shoot all those men down before they shoot you? No, no, Mr. Josey Wales; there is such a thing in this country called justice!
- Josey Wales: Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride.
- [shoots the rope hauling the ferry across the river]