Woodrow Parfrey en el papel de...
- Carpetbagger: Your young friend could use some help.
- [holds up a bottle of patent medicine]
- Carpetbagger: This is it... one dollar a bottle. It works wonders on wounds.
- Josey Wales: Works wonders on just about everything, eh?
- Carpetbagger: It can do most anything.
- Josey Wales: [spits tobacco juice on the carpetbagger's coat] How is it with stains?
- Sim Carstairs: Ten years I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas... you name it. Mad dogs, them guerillas. You look sideways at 'em...
- [snaps a rope like a noose]
- Sim Carstairs: they kill ya.
- Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men to do business with.
- Sim Carstairs: You bet. You know in my line of work, you gotta be able either to sing "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" or "Dixie" with equal enthusiasm... dependin' upon present company.
- Carpetbagger: Can't say as I blame you for that. Only good business to play it safe.
- Jamie: [Josey and Jamie are waiting for the Redlegs to cross the river] They comin'.
- [Josey pulls a Sharp's rifle with a early telescopic sight on it from his horse]
- Carpetbagger: Do you really think you can shoot all those men down before they shoot you? No, no, Mr. Josey Wales; there is such a thing in this country called justice!
- Josey Wales: Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride.
- [shoots the rope hauling the ferry across the river]
- Carpetbagger: This is the very best thing for those who can't handle their liquor.
- Lone Watie: What's in it?
- Carpetbagger: I don't know. Various things. I'm only the salesman.
- Lone Watie: You drink it.