Mary Woronov credited as playing...
Mary Bland
- Mary: At the store, can you buy a new frying pan? I'm a little squeamish about using the one we use to kill people.
- Susan - Swinger in Fur: I was just saying to my husband, Moose, over there, you're a highly unusual-looking couple. We were wondering if you'd like to get together with us and have fun?
- Mary: Ah, what did you have in mind?
- Susan - Swinger in Fur: Oh, gee, we're up for about anything! You see, we're both bi, so we can go either way. But, actually, we do like straight sex. Moose is into voyeurism, and I'm into exhibitionism. We like B&D, but we don't like S&M. We met at the A&P.
- Mary: Why should we give up any of that money? We had to kill two people to get it!
- Raoul Mendoza: You killed two people for less than a thousand dollars?
- Mary: ...One of them shortchanged us.
- Nurse Sheila: So how long will you be gone?
- Mary: Oh, I don't know. As long as it takes to apply for a loan.
- Nurse Sheila: You'll probably get it. That dress sure shows off your collateral.
- Mary: I hope this place that James found is gonna be as good as it sounds. You know, I was thinking about what we should name it and - I know that you love 'Chez Bland' and I do too - but, well, what if we just called it 'Paul and Mary's Country Kitchen'?
- Mary: Where's Paul?
- Drunk Swinger: He's busy with the Marquis de Sade, so I thought I'd get it on with you. What do you say?
- Mary: No, thank you.
- Drunk Swinger: No thank you? Is that all you're gonna say? You not even gonna help my ego by telling me you got a weird *pussy* disease?
- Mr. Baker - the Horny Patient: Is this you? "Doris the Dominatrix"?
- Mary: That's right, buster. And I'm way out of your league. So, stay away from me, or I'll hit you with my whip!
- Mr. Baker - the Horny Patient: I thought you were a lot more hip than you let on.
- Mary: I think I should get dressed now.
- Raoul Mendoza: You should be dressed - but only in the most beautiful furs. The finest silk next to your fine body.
- Mary: I have to get up.
- Raoul Mendoza: You should have servants to massage you and pamper you. A sexy woman like you should always be relaxed. Like a beautiful - rich - purring cat.
- Mary: The lights. Turn out the lights.