While Mac and Dal Traven are running along the top of the train, their shadows are cast on the ground, next to the train (sun to the side). The next shot shows their shadows directly underneath them, on the train's top (sun overhead).
Major Ashbury wears the collar rank of a Confederate major, but the sleeve trim of a lieutenant.
In the scene where Dal was going to be hung by the crowd, in the background in the upper left, the 2 square posts are along an asphalt road which can barely be seen.
When Dal is leaving town with the sharps rifles, an air conditioner can be seen on the roof of one of the buildings.
As Dal leaves (0:24:16), the sun highlighting a boxy structure on the roof of the bank, which looked like metal. There was a better look at it on his way in to town (0:21:43), a pale blue, see-through slatted structure. Not an air conditioner.
As Dal leaves (0:24:16), the sun highlighting a boxy structure on the roof of the bank, which looked like metal. There was a better look at it on his way in to town (0:21:43), a pale blue, see-through slatted structure. Not an air conditioner.
When Dal is rescued by the rebels just before being shot by a Union firing squad, he is seen in conversation removing the rope that has been tied around his wrists. The various camera angles show him removing the rope, without the rope, with the rope and still removing the rope.
At 0:05:48, two loops of rope are on his right wrist. It only seemed like he removed it twice.
At 0:05:48, two loops of rope are on his right wrist. It only seemed like he removed it twice.
There's a blue cardboard drink carton above Mac's head on his parent's porch.
Mistaken observation. (0:19:28) That was Mac's gunbelt hung up. It may have looked blue with the shadow on it, but it was black. He took it when they left the porch at 0:20:49.
Mistaken observation. (0:19:28) That was Mac's gunbelt hung up. It may have looked blue with the shadow on it, but it was black. He took it when they left the porch at 0:20:49.
When Mac Traven pushes the horse over (beside the train), a rope can be seen tied to the horse's front feet to prevent it from sidestepping.
Mistaken observation. There's no rope. Movie makers were not allowed to trip horses any longer. The horse has been trained to fall on its side. Pulling its head around to the opposite side (01:22:28) sets up the stunt.
Mistaken observation. There's no rope. Movie makers were not allowed to trip horses any longer. The horse has been trained to fall on its side. Pulling its head around to the opposite side (01:22:28) sets up the stunt.
The Sheriff says he was in Converse when the girls were kidnapped. The first homestead in Converse, named after the homesteader, didn't exist until 1877, a full decade after the events of this film. However, since this movie was not based on fact, it doesn't matter.
Just before the end when everyone is getting on the wagons, Jeff Osterhage's character rides up to the front wagon. A crew member, complete with wristwatch, sunglasses and hat can be seen grabbing the horse's bridle.