Jack presents Joan with a very elaborate necklace from his pocket. When she takes it in hand, it's a simple charm on a chain.
When Jack slides down the hill face first between Joan's legs, his shotgun is no longer in his pack. The gun reappears in the next shot.
Joan's dress becomes clean when she makes a break for the old bridge.
When the bus crashes into Jack's Jeep, and all of the luggage goes flying off the luggage rack, Joan's blue suitcase pops open when it hits the ground, spilling her clothes all over the ground. However, when she picks her suitcase back up after Jack dispatches Zolo, her suitcase is closed again, with all of her clothes are still inside.
When Jack first grabs the vine to swing across the river, it is bare. Then, during the swing, the vine is covered with leaves. At the end of the swing when he reaches the other side, it is bare again.
In the first shootout with Zolo after the bus crash, Jack fires nine shots before reloading, then fires eleven shots (nine in the gunfight and two at the jeep). His Remington 870 only holds five rounds.
When the statue containing the emerald is retrieved from the milky pool in the cave, it is wrapped inside a bundle of fresh green grass inside a bag. If the gem had been under that pool long enough for a map and treasure hunt, the grass would not be green.
After Juan and the "Little Mule" have jumped the river, the following Jeep crashes and lands upside-down in extremely shallow water 20-30 feet wide. Judging by the slope of both banks and the shallow water, the statement that the river is impossible to cross for 200 miles in either direction is simply not true.
Jack carries a Remington 870 left-handed shotgun, but he always shoots with it right-handed.
In the drug dealer's village, Joan is told there is no telephone for many miles. In the ensuing chase that ensues, many telephone poles with wires can be seen throughout the village.
They could either be lying to Joan and Jack because the phone lines are only for "business" use, or being in such a remote area, the phone lines could be out of order.
They could either be lying to Joan and Jack because the phone lines are only for "business" use, or being in such a remote area, the phone lines could be out of order.
Sailboats are not trailered with masts raised and sails rigged.
Although, clearly in some cases they are seeing as the film production was able to do so in real life for the filming of the movie.
Although, clearly in some cases they are seeing as the film production was able to do so in real life for the filming of the movie.
Jack never pronounces Cartagena properly in English, always saying "Cartagenia".
Jack is not a native Spanish speaker and he's not going to put on a pronounced Spanish accent just to pronounce the name of a city.
Jack is not a native Spanish speaker and he's not going to put on a pronounced Spanish accent just to pronounce the name of a city.
When Jack and Joan are having a conversation from opposite banks of the river, there's no way they could hear each other over the roar of the waterfall and raging torrent.
The movie clearly demonstrates that they are having a difficult time communicating with each other over the noise, barely able to shout out just enough to be understand what the other is saying.
The movie clearly demonstrates that they are having a difficult time communicating with each other over the noise, barely able to shout out just enough to be understand what the other is saying.
Joan asks the bus driver in English and broken Spanish if the bus goes to Cartagena, but he doesn't seem to understand a word. "Cartagena" should ring a bell.
The bus driver is busy doing his job and has no time for a silly American woman pestering him, regardless of whether he is able to understand the word Cartagena or not, particularly when he has no other context as to what she's trying to ask him.
The bus driver is busy doing his job and has no time for a silly American woman pestering him, regardless of whether he is able to understand the word Cartagena or not, particularly when he has no other context as to what she's trying to ask him.
When Jack grabs a vine to swing to the other side of the ravine with Joan, he hits a rock wall. Not only does the wall move slightly, it flexes once he hits.
When Joan and Jack are at the festival at Santa Catarina, Ralph is under a table, trying to steal Joan's purse. A closeup shows wooden table legs as he squeezes through. When the lady at the table catches him and pulls him to his feet to hit him, the table legs are metal.
When Joan exits her apartment for the first time, she turns the key counterclockwise to lock the door, but this would actually leave it unlocked.
When Joan is choosing a miniature bottle of liquor from her cabinet, a crew member is reflected in the cabinet's glass door.
When Jack and Elaine drive into the river in the car, the retention cord attached to the front of the car, to keep the car from flipping onto the roof, is visible.
When the car goes over the waterfall, the stunt actor is visible standing on the side of the car, next to the closed door, and jumping.
When Joan's bus hit Jack's Jeep, the wire moving the vehicles (underneath) to simulate the crash are visible.
Sulphur crested cockatoos are native to Australia, not South America.
Joan actually boards the right bus at the airport. The sign on the bus says "Castille San Felipe". This castle is located in Cartagena.
The alligators in the film are American alligators, found only in the southeastern United States, primarily the Gulf states, Georgia, and South Carolina.
The film is set in Colombia, but all of the Hispanic actors have a distinct Mexican accent.
When Jack and Joan emerge on opposite sides of the river after jumping over the waterfall, Jack tells Joan to follow the sunset to Cartagena. The treasure is close to the middle of the Colombian State of Cordoba, so she would be heading away from Cartagena, which is north of Cordoba.
Ralph surprises Jack and Joan in the cave after they find the emerald, holding a gun on them, but Ralph's clothes are dry. How did he cross the river and the waterfall without getting wet?
A janitor is murdered in the hallway of Joan Wilder's apartment, even after she returns following it being ransacked, but this is never brought up or mentioned again.