40 of 109 found this mild
An old woman indicates she avoid riding elevators "because of all the rapists."
A character comments how he "could have been up to his neck in t*ts and a*s" had he chosen a different career.
The camera briefly focuses on a Playboy magazine cover (no nudity shown).
A man and woman dance and then have a prolonged kiss.
A man and a woman share a long passionate kiss.
Two characters are shown in bed lying on top of each other fully naked, without covers, for several minutes as they talk and kiss. Buttocks and breasts are mostly blocked from view with the side angle of the camera.
Opening sequence shows a close of Angelina's breast, and nipple through a wet, see-through blouse.
At the start of the movie, it's implied that a man intends to rape a woman. She kills him before he gets a chance.
After tumbling down a mudslide, a character lands face first on a woman's lap.
23 of 39 found this moderate
A man gets stabbed; however, the resulting wound is not shown onscreen.
A woman is hit in the head and knocked unconscious.
A woman notices a man under her table and thinking that he is trying to look up her skirt, knocked him around and pushes him out of the door.
A man attacked a woman with a knife but is fended off before she is injured.
The protagonist are shot at many times throughout the film but I've never hit.
Frequent action/adventure violence. Some occasional hand-to-hand combat and gun violence (with no emphasis on pain or injury). Some offscreen deaths also occur throughout the film.
The villain threatens the protagonist by cutting her hand. The resulting wound can be seen.
A characters hand is bitten off by an alligator and the gruesome stump (muscles, bones, arteries spurting blood) can be seen for several seconds as he lets out repeated blood curdling screams of pain. He frantically holds his arm in pain and tries to bandage it. This particular moment of violence is quite vivid, however, there is an emphasis placed upon the pain that the character is experiencing.
20 of 53 found this mild
"Shit" is used at least three times.
"Bitch is used twice.
Goddamn is used several times.
"Hell" is used at least three times.
"Ass" is said.
5 uses of "shit", 14 uses of "hell", 5 uses of "ass", 1 use of "damn", 12 uses of "goddamn", 3 uses of "son of a bitch", 1 use of "bitch", 3 uses of "bastard", 2 uses of "Jesus Christ", 2 uses of "Christ", 1 use of "For Christ sake".
27 of 38 found this mild
It's implied that Juan is a drug smuggler and men in his village are drug runners.
The protagonists share a small bottle of alcohol. Later they both drink alcohol straight from a large bottle.
A wrecked cargo plane is found containing large packages of marijuana. One character implies having smoked marijuana in college.
Contains some casual smoking and drinking throughout the film.
Two characters light a fire using bricks made out of marijuana, and one inhaled deeply. Later the other character says she is getting dizzy.
20 of 34 found this mild