Jo Ann Havrilla credited as playing...
Prudence Pingleton
- Prudence: Penny Pingleton, you know you are punished. From now on you're wearing a giant P on your blouse every day to school so that the whole world knows that Penny Pingleton is permanently, positively, punished.
- Motormouth Maybelle: Oh Papa Tooney. We've got a Looney.
- Prudence Pingleton: Don't you try to cast one of your voodoo spells on me, native woman.
- Prudence Pingleton: [Seaweed is hiding in Penny's bedroom] Oh my God! There's colored people in my house! I'm going to make a citizen's arrest!
- Motormouth Maybelle: Ooh, Papa tuney, we got a loony.
- Prudence Pingleton: Don't you try any of your voodoo spells on me, you native woman!
- Penny Pingleton: We're just dancing!
- Tracy Turnblad: Mrs. Pingleton, stop acting crazy! These are our friends.
- Prudence: Penny, this is Dr. Frederickson. He's a psychiatrist, and he's going to make you all better.
- Dr. Fredrickson: Feeling depressed, Penny? Want to talk about it? Think of all the white boys in school and how much you'd like to date one.